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Join Us in Worship
Worship Times
Sundays at 8:00am & 10:30am
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Special Worship Schedule
What to Expect
Welcome to worship at Pilgrim! Sunday mornings at 8:00 and 9:30 and Wednesday evenings at 6:30, we are excited to have you visit. Most weeks of the year, these services are identical in format. To make it easy to participate, all the details of worship are printed in a service folder. We welcome all ages, even the youngest ones, and love to hear little voices in church! We do have a nursery if you feel the need to step out for a few minutes.
What to wear is up to you! Some like to “dress up” for church while others prefer to stick with casual, comfortable clothes.
Please take advantage of our visitor parking nearest the church or park in the adjoining lot. Parking is also available in the school lot across the street.
Some of our services include the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. If you are not familiar with our church body’s beliefs, please talk to our pastor before joining us in this portion of worship.
Our Faith
God created the world and everything in it. He created people holy and without sin, but by their own choice they disobeyed God and brought sin and death into the world. Every human being since has been born sinful.
In unfathomable grace, God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to live the perfect life we could not and take the punishment for our sins through his suffering and death on the cross. Then Jesus, in an act proving he is God, rose from the grave assuring us that we also will rise from death to live in heaven forever.
One of the most powerful tools of worship is music, so on any given Sunday, you will hear the strong, majestic organ! You may also hear piano, percussion, guitar, brass and woodwind instruments, choirs and cantors. Our form of worship, liturgical, supports the tradition of singing in the church dating back thousands of years.
We observe a yearly pattern of worship, so you may join us on a week where we are celebrating the seasons of Pentecost, Advent or Epiphany. Perhaps worship is a little more subdued in the weeks leading up to Easter, the season of Lent. This “church year” calendar helps us remember different aspects of the life of Christ and shifts the focus of worship to different topics as the seasons change.
You should expect to hear that every person is sinful. You will also hear the amazing good news that Christ has made us perfect by taking our sin on himself. This message, the law and the gospel, is the very fiber that makes up the tapestry of our faith. You will hear it as sections are read from the Bible, as sermons are preached and as hymns are sung.
Meet Pastor V
Pastor Vanderhoof loves talking with people about Jesus, but did you know he also loves planning road trips? Guess how many states he’s traveled to…
Learn More at Answers Class
What does the Bible actually say? Go straight to the source: the very words of the Almighty God. He has a plan for you! Find out for yourself at the Answers Class.