New Bible Class – Sunday, January 16 at 9:15am

You’ve very likely experienced something like this: During a serious conversation, a person says something about God that just doesn’t sound right. Sometimes you can recognize that what the person believes is a horrible distortion of the truth. Sometimes you aren’t so sure. “God wants me to be happy.” “I don’t need the Bible or worship to have a relationship with God.” “God helps those who help themselves.” When you take a careful look at those statements, you realize how dangerous they are.

Our next Bible study, 10 Lies About God, addresses ten popular lies about God that people often hide behind to sidestep the truth that there is a God to whom they are accountable or to avoid admitting the reality that they are sinners who need a Savior. It will help us recognize and respond to these deceptions that keep people from experiencing the peace and joy that comes through forgiveness in Christ.

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